Cash Crops, Print Technology, and the Politicization of Ethnicity in Africa
With Philip Roessler and Valeria Rueda. 2022. American Political Science Review. 116(1):181–199.
Read (PDF) AbstractGlobalization, Institutions and Ethnic Inequality
With Nils-Christian Bormann, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Nils Weidmann. 2021. International Organization 75(3):665–697.
Read (PDF) AbstractWho Benefits? How Local Ethnic Demography Shapes Political Favoritism in Africa
With Janina Beiser-McGrath and Carl Müller-Crepon. 2020. British Journal of Political Science 41(4):1582–1600.
Read (PDF) AbstractLinking Ethnic Data from Africa
With Carl Müller-Crepon and Nils-Christian Bormann. 2021. Journal of Peace Research 59(3): 425-435.
Read (PDF) AbstractThe Cash Crop Revolution, Colonialism and Economic Reorganization in Africa
With Philip Roessler, Robert Marty, Kyle Sorlie Titlow, and Nicolas van de Walle. 2022. World Development 158 (October 2022).
Read (PDF) AbstractDigging Deeper: On the Role of Grievances in African Mining Conflicts
With Lars-Erik Cederman.
In "Natural Resources, Inequality and Conflict”,
eds. Hamid E. Ali and Lars-Erik Cederman
London: Palgrave Macmillan, Forthcoming
Read (PDF) AbstractWorking Papers
The Economic Foundations of Powersharing: Evidence from Africa
With Philip Roessler. R&R at the American Journal of Political Science.
Read (PDF) AbstractNationality Problems and War: Generalizing the Macedonian Syndrome.
With Lars-Erik Cederman, Luc Girardin, and Dennis Atzenhofer. Under Review.
Read (PDF) AbstractThe Future is History? Restorative Nationalism and Conflict in Post-Napoleonic Europe.
With Lars-Erik Cederman, Luc Girardin, and Carl Müller-Crepon. Under Review.
Read (PDF) AbstractShare It or Lose it? Power-Sharing and Regime Stability in Multi-Ethnic Autocracies
With Ilyas Saliba. Working Paper.
Read (PDF) AbstractWork in Progress
Biased Income Shocks, Local Cleavages, and Ethnic Violence: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
In Preparation.
AbstractThe Train Wrecks of Modernization: Railways, Nationalism and Conflict in Long Nineteenth Century Europe
With Carl Müller-Crepon, Roberto Valli, Lars-Erik Cederman and Luc Griardin. In Preparation.
AbstractNaming the Nation: State Building and National Identity Formation in 19th Century Germany
With Carl Müller-Crepon. In Preparation.
AbstractPolicy Papers
Global Conflict Trends and their Consequences
With Lars-Erik Cederman
Background Paper to the United Nations Sustainable Development Outlook 2019
Read (PDF) Abstract